

Oreoluwa Osoba and Duke: The Dynamic Duo of Lagos, Creating Online Sensations With a Dash of Tradition

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Amidst the buzz of digital entrepreneurship, an unusual duo from Lagos, Nigeria is stealing the limelight in the most delightful of ways. Meet Oreoluwa Osoba and her trusted canine, Duke, the rising internet sensations taking content creation to a whole new level.

A graduate in computer science, Osoba carries a vibrant history of globetrotting, with destinations like Dubai etched in his travelogue. He now splits his time between entrepreneurship and companionship with Duke, who’s very much part of his enterprise.

“I have always loved dogs ever since I was little,” Osoba shared in an interview. “I grew up with them and always wondered what they were thinking. You have never truly loved until you have a dog, it’s a selfless, true, and pure love. I just want to show the world how to love a dog and the crazy fun we get into.”

Yet, in Lagos, a city known more for its music and markets than its pet-friendly spaces, it’s been a journey filled with challenges. “Lagos doesn’t have a lot of pet-friendly parks or places so it’s kinda hard to go out with your pet,” he said.

However, the challenges have not deterred Osoba from turning his passion for pets into a creative, internet sensation. Dressed in his traditional outfit, he and Duke radiate their own unique appeal that has captivated their online audience.

What makes this all worthwhile for Osoba? It’s when followers share their newfound desire to have a pet. “When people message me and tell me I make them want to get a puppy or they love how well I take care of Duke,” he reflects. This, to him, is the greatest accomplishment.

As for those aspiring to make their mark in the vast field of digital content creation, Osoba offers some words of wisdom. He believes in living life to the fullest and capturing every moment on camera. “Live life to the fullest and make sure you record it all the way,” he says.

Indeed, with his infectious enthusiasm, Osoba and Duke are not just the next big thing in content creation. They are a vibrant, love-filled celebration of life, companionship, and tradition, captivating the digital world one follower at a time.

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