

Bluetrack Global Technologies Pioneers Cutting-Edge ICT Solutions in Nigeria: An Interview with Engr. Candy Inyang

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Founded in 2010, Bluetrack Global Technologies has been a trailblazer in Nigeria’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. From humble beginnings in Port Harcourt’s popular phone village (Garrison) to high-profile projects such as the Lekki Sea Port and Nigerian Port Authority, the company’s journey is a testament to visionary leadership and relentless innovation. Central to this success story is Engr. Candy Inyang, a tech enthusiast turned industry leader.

In a recent interview, Inyang, the catalyst behind Bluetrack’s operations, gave us an insight into the company’s journey, current initiatives, and future ambitions. An ISO 9001:2015 certified professional, her journey mirrors her company’s growth trajectory, transcending local boundaries with recent travels to Dubai and interactions with international firms.

Inyang’s passion for technology was evident from a young age. “I have always been techie. I love gadgets and technology and constantly research recent developments,” she said. This fascination fueled her pursuit of an ICT career, culminating in her role as the spearhead of Bluetrack Global Technologies.

Despite the company’s significant accomplishments, including the installation of intricate ICT systems for high-profile clients like Oilserv Limited and Lebruni Agro Ltd, the journey has not been without its challenges. “Exchange rates have been a constant hurdle as we import every piece of equipment required for our projects. Ensuring that we deliver within the contract period while managing staff has also been challenging,” she shared.

When asked about her greatest accomplishment, Inyang gave a nod to the wisdom she has gathered along her journey. “The knowledge and experience I gained daily are priceless. I have met with people from different walks of life and received mentorship from reputable businessmen in society,” she affirmed.

Under Inyang’s leadership, Bluetrack continues to shape Nigeria’s ICT landscape, currently working on a project with Certus Automation, a global player in Port Automation. As for her current goal, Inyang stated, “We’re working hard to make Bluetrack the leading ICT company and a household name in Nigeria.”

The accomplished ICT professional has some sound advice for her successors: “Every mistake you make is an opportunity to grow. Trust the process and keep working towards your goals.” And when it comes to her personal philosophy, she believes in the power of faith and hard work. “I believe in trusting God and his grace, working hard and smart.”

With this unwavering resolve, there’s little doubt that Engr. Candy Inyang and her Bluetrack Global Technologies will continue to redefine the future of ICT in Nigeria and beyond.

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