

Zobies Cables Nigeria Limited: Elevating the Standard of Nigerian Electrical Cables

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From its humble beginnings in 2006 to becoming one of the significant players in the electrical manufacturing industry, Zobis Cables Nigeria Limited has become a household name. It was registered as a trading company in 2006 and due to its exceptional performance over the year has extended its portfolio to civil and mechanical engineering with the establishment of its first affiliate company called John Zobis Engineering in 2010.

John Ezeobi, a university student from a middle-class family, founded the company. “I started the company from the little savings I had while in school, which was one thousand, three hundred and fifty naira only (1,350) in the year 2006,” he tells us. With an eye for quality, he made his first supply, netting a profit of 8,000 naira.

Zobis Cable today stands tall among the giants of the industry. “When you make mention of top names in the industry today, Zobis cables will be mentioned. We are one of the largest in the south east and the south south in terms of capacity in cable manufacturing in Nigeria today,” Ezeobi proudly asserts.

Their vision extends beyond accolades, and as such, they are yet to accept any awards. “We have a vision of a bigger place,” Ezeobi explains.

Zobis has an impressive resume, having worked with oil servicing companies, military outfits, and several prominent organisations. Their current endeavour involves expanding the factory to a 1,000 metric tonne capacity with different sizes of cables – a significant investment set to generate employment for around a thousand individuals.

Community engagement is at the heart of their operations. Located in Okoti in Anambra State of Nigeria,Zobis has continually given back to the community through building houses for the less privileged,roads and has also created a proper drainage system to combat flooding and he intends to do more.

Ezeobi’s inspiration is to provide Nigeria with quality cables. “I want Nigeria to be known for good quality cables. When you go to the market, you see a lot of fake and low quality cables which has been the leading cause of fire outbreaks and other electrical incidents and most times has led to loss of lives and properties. Our company thrives on sustainable and quality products. We give quality for less stress and less cost,” he states passionately.
Their mission is to ensure safety through the provision of durable and quality cables produced in Nigeria.

However, it’s not without challenges. Ezeobi highlights the difficulties in securing loans from banks and erratic power supply as significant hurdles. “If the government and financial institutions can look into this, it will really make a difference for business enterprises in Nigeria as this problem doesn’t only affect him but all,” he says, sounding hopeful.

Reflecting on their success, Ezeobi says his greatest achievement is putting smiles on the faces of over a hundred employees every month by paying their salaries. “That only gives me joy,” he says.

His advice to the younger generation is to maintain good quality despite pressure from some manufacturers or importers.

In a landscape where many manufacturers cut corners to save costs, Zobis Cables Nigeria Limited stands out. Guided by the motto “Honesty and Sincerity”, they continue to elevate the standard of electrical cables in Nigeria.

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