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Youths contribute majorly to the cause of their own unemployment. On 20th of June, 2023, Study of the United States Institutes, in Partnership with Baze University Law Clinic, hosted a Youth Civil Engagement/Round Table Discussion on the topic LAWLESSNESS: A MAJOR THREAT TO THE ‘FUTURE OF WORK’ IN NIGERIA.
This Event which took place at Auditorium B, Baze University Campus Jabi, Abuja, is a Study of the U.S Institute (SUSI) Community Development Action Project, proposed by Ndife Zion Walter, who is Study of the U.S Institutes Ambassador. The program was approved and supported by the U.S Department of States through Meridian International as part of U.S Exchange Alumni impact project.
During the event, it was exposed that, disregard to law, is a hinderance to the development of workforce in Nigeria and youths are the major drivers of lawlessness. In recent times, youth actions such as destruction of bank properties, thuggery, insecurity, kidnapping, armed robbery and looting of shops, laid people off from their jobs. These layoffs not only cause direct starvation to these now unemployed individuals, but an indirect setback to those who largely depend on them.
Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Mustapha Shaba Ibrahim, who served as the keynote speaker, mentioned that, the life of a civilized man is intrinsically linked to his ability to work. His survival is largely dependent on the input he makes daily as a worker. Therefore, for work to properly take place, there must be no opportunity for lawlessness. He added that lawlessness is a threat to the future of work because, it encourages corruption, reduces productivity, displaces people in the society, reduces economic prosperity and increases poverty. The Learned Silk while urging the attendees to think about the future of work as a motivating factor to be law abiding emphasized that, lawlessness can also hinder access to basic amenities such as education, healthcare, clean water and sanitation especially, in areas affected by insecurity or conflicts, this in return deny children and families essential services and hampers on human capital development.
Zion who hosted the event, hinted that, youth activities across social media such as cyber bullying can hinder employment chances. This is because organizations now conduct background investigations on job seekers. Zion who recently got a scholarship from the United Nations SDG Secretariate to attend the UN 2023 Summer Academy, urged the youths to be good ambassadors and create enough awareness that, unemployment is not entirely a governmental creation.
Youths must stop creating insecurity and apprehension, to encourage investors both local and international to come in. Only in doing so, we can have more employment opportunities for ourselves in the present, thus, preserving the future of employment for our children.
In attendance of this youth civil engagement are National Youth Service Corp Members laid by the FCT Charity CDS officer Mrs Mercy Abbai, Students of Baze University, Nile University, University of Abuja, Secondary school students, youths from different organizations within the FCT, NYSC members serving in the Supreme Court of Nigeria, as well Elders both men and women who stand in position to advise the youths.
The Panelists, Obed Agu (Legal Adviser, Civil Society Organizations of Nigeria) and Olasimbo Yeside Aminat (Climate Justice Advocate), urged the attendees to start sensitization from members of their households, if we must curb lawlessness. The Panelists also advised that, youths must shun peer pressure, imbibe new skills, speak to local chiefs on the ripple effects of encouraging criminality, as well as use social media as a good tool to spread the word that “LAWLESSNESS, IS A MJOR THREAT TO THE FUTURE OF EMPLOYMENT IN NIGERIA”.

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