

Unveiling the Visionary Leadership of Olajumoke Kujero

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In a captivating interview with Olajumoke Kujero, acting CEO of ShopexTV, we gain valuable insights into marketing strategies, personal branding, team management, and her aspirations for the future.

With an impressive background encompassing business development, human resources, operations, and retail marketing management, Olajumoke reflects on her educational background, “Although my initial educational path led me towards becoming a Microbiologist, my career took an unexpected turn toward the captivating world of marketing. While I may not have pursued a formal education in marketing, I consider myself a self-taught marketer. Through relentless study, learning from mentors, and gaining hands-on experience.

It’s no wonder that Olajumoke’s exceptional talent was recognized in 2022 with the prestigious Business Insider Marketing Professional of the Year award, endorsing her credibility and expertise in the field. “Receiving the award was an extraordinary honor that not only validated my dedication and expertise but also propelled my career to new heights. This accolade significantly boosted my credibility and reputation within the industry, opening doors to exciting opportunities and collaborations that have contributed to our strategic growth.”

With over 13 years of experience, Olajumoke firmly believes in the importance of personal branding for leaders looking to leave a lasting impact. “I believe that personal branding is paramount for leaders who aspire to make an enduring impression. To promote my personal brand, I consistently demonstrate thought leadership and share valuable insights through various channels, including my website, speaking engagements, and interviews in esteemed publications.”

As with any leader, Olajumoke has faced challenges in her career. One she won’t forget in a hurry was switching to remote work within a few days, during the COVID-19 lockdown. “I was Chief Marketing Officer at Jumia at the time, and the abrupt shift to remote work presented unique challenges that demanded quick decision-making, effective communication, and the implementation of new technologies and processes. Within days, my first priority was to ensure my team had the necessary resources for seamless remote work. Despite the obstacles, this experience allowed us to embrace novel ways of operating, showcasing our team’s exceptional cohesion and adaptability.”

Sharing key lessons and insights that have shaped her leadership style, Kujero emphasizes, “One vital lesson is the significance of fostering a culture of trust, collaboration, and empowerment within the team. By creating an environment where team members feel valued, heard, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives, we can unlock their full potential and drive exceptional results.

Olajumoke is of the school of thought that, as business professionals, it’s important to have a work life balance and find personal fulfillment outside of work. For her, this includes spending quality time with her children, traveling on adventures, and exploring new recipes, which contribute to her professional growth and well-roundedness.

Looking ahead, she aims to make a lasting impact in the industry by actively participating in initiatives that promote entrepreneurship, innovation, and diversity. By mentoring aspiring business leaders, sharing her knowledge and experiences, and advocating for inclusive business practices, she seeks to inspire and empower the next generation of leaders.

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