

From the CEO’s DeskMichael EgbekoyaCEO, McYouniverse

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McYouniverse is a solutions-providing business conglomerate of Real Estate, Agriculture, Information technology, Haulage and logistics. Through the years, we have proffered swift-paced solutions spanning across distinct sectors of the economy, one-for-all subsidiary at a time. Even more, we remain committed to our passion for development in Africa and beyond. We are focusing our energy and resources on creating the greatest impact in the universe.
Our Vision is to be a leading solutions-providing business conglomerate of Real Estate, Agriculture, Information Technology, Haulage and Logistics in Africa.
With a passion to simplify investment opportunities, we are harnessing the latest real estate development and management expertise to provide access to well-timed and problem-free landed property, homes and apartments acquisition, thereby securing a lifetime of wealth creation for everyone. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 propels our commitment to the provision of food for all. With McYounifarms, we are building an integrated farming system for crop production, animal production, manufacturing and processing, to create a limitless food-supply chain that can nourish the world.
McYounitech, our information technology arm provides access to technological expertise, empowering individuals for technological advancement. We have designed a flagship platform called Codeverse, aimed at creating a pool of tech enthusiasts through peer-to-peer learning, connecting learners with fun and engaging programs for global innovation. We are constantly pushing the boundaries of mobility to help our customers achieve their delivery schedules and timelines. Our Haulage and Logistics subsidiary is fast-growing, providing access to swift and reliable mobility of people and goods across and beyond Africa.

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