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The Founding Partner of Resolution Law Firm, Olusola Johnson Jegede, Esq, added another feather to his cap as he was honored with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Law and Diplomacy by the prestigious Prowess University, Delaware, USA. This accolade, conferred on the 22nd of November, 2023, marks a remarkable milestone in Jegede’s distinguished career.

The honorary doctorate degree is a testament to Jegede’s unwavering commitment to the fields of International Law and Diplomacy. With a career spanning decades, he has been a trailblazer in legal advocacy and diplomacy, championing the cause of justice and global cooperation.

Jegede, in response to this prestigious recognition, stated, “I am deeply humbled and honored to receive this degree from Prowess University. It reaffirms my dedication to promoting international law and diplomacy as tools for global harmony and progress.”

In addition to this extraordinary achievement, Olusola Jegede’s name has found its place among the distinguished list of recipients of the Grand African Leadership Prize for Integrity, Transparency, and Accountability in Service, for 2023. This accolade further underscores his unwavering commitment to the principles of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all his endeavors.

“It is a privilege to be recognized for my contributions to the principles of integrity, transparency, and accountability in service,” Jegede expressed. “These values are the bedrock of a just and equitable society, and I remain committed to upholding them in all my professional and personal pursuits.”

The Grand African Leadership Prize for Integrity, Transparency, and Accountability in Service is a prestigious recognition that celebrates individuals who have demonstrated exemplary dedication to fostering ethical leadership and good governance across the African continent.

As Jegede continues to make strides in the realms of law, diplomacy, and ethical leadership, his recent honorary doctorate degree and impending recognition at the Grand African Leadership Prize serve as a testament to his indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on society. His accomplishments are not just personal achievements but landmarks in the journey toward a more just and equitable world.

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