

AI Consultant Olusola Want to Skill Youths in Nigeria: A Roadmap to Educate 1 Million aaStudents

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the world very fast. AI is touching every aspect of our lives, impacting healthcare, agriculture, education, and key sectors of our economy with great potential to drive economic growth and innovation. Olusola Alabi, AI consultant and scientist who has received patent awards in the field of science from the Federal government of Nigeria said his mission is crystal clear he wants to reskill 1 million students in Nigeria in 2 years and to set up 50 research groups on Banking, Agriculture, Education, Cyber Security, Insurance and other sectors. I believe after two years they will come out with products that will transform the world. As an AI consultant deeply invested in Nigeria’s future, : to educate 1 million students on AI within the next two years.

Starting from January 2024, we are reaching out to schools to equip the students with knowledge of AI tools. It involves practical, hands-on learning experiences, workshops, and mentorship programs that nurture creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills—the very skills crucial for thriving in an AI-driven world.

However, realizing this potential requires a concerted effort in education and awareness. Nigerian youth are the future workforce, teaching them AI knowledge is paramount. Our partnerships with schools, government , and corporate entities will spread AI education.

I call upon stakeholders across sectors to support. Whether through funding, collaboration, or advocacy, every contribution paves the way for a brighter future—Together we can create a brighter future. Olusola Alabi -AI Consultant and Scientist

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