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A Nigerian by birth, destined for the global scene, armed with his yearn to touch and inspire all spheres of life around the world, guided by his lifelong dream to be the hub of fitness inspiration and motivation around the globe, the CEO @Drdrefitness, Oyedepo Joshua is a 32 year old fitness veteran with a mature soul attributable to his profound wisdom in the coaching of both the maintenance of one’s body and mind through hard work and dedication towards inner peace.

Joshua believes one’s body is a temple that should be sacred and preserved with purity and a healthy devotion. He has excelled in doing that through his exquisite skills as a bodybuilder and aerobics instructor as evidenced in some of his noteworthy collaborations with prestigious organizations like Commonwealth of Zion Ministry (COZA), Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), and PZ cussons, the proud makers of Premier Cool Antiseptic soap.

These feats did not only shape him to own a great fitness hub to his credit, but projected him to win Mr. Fitness Nigeria in 2016 which served as a stepping stone towards the beginning of a bright future. His due diligence and perseverance towards physical and mental development has been an undying mission since the early 21st century. Although he has created a name for himself in Nigeria and has the largest fitness community in Nigeria, his ambition knows no bounds and he hopes to be a global phenomenon soon. Those that have seen him at work know that his greatness is but a pending reality.

Despite looking tough and having a grim-toned body, Mr. Joshua has an easy-going personality with a calm aura that is ironic with his iron-man appearance. In line with his belief of the body being a temple to be cherished and cared for physically and spiritually, he is a devout God-fearing being who is committed to God just as he is to his body and mind. Diet is also a seminal part of a well-tuned bodybuilding calendar and it has been an impetus, turning him into a formidable chef, loyal to the kitchen while whipping out healthy and delicious meals. His clients do not only get a well-built body and peaceful soul but an incited discipline and persistence towards tailor-made daily calendars that caters to their wellbeing and peace.
High life and socialising is a great aspect of Joshua’s life that has transcended into a culture @drefitness where trips, meet-and-greets, excursions, movie nights and sight seeing – evidently enjoyed and always anticipated by every member of his community which he calls family – have become a norm.

For as many of us intrigued by this young and industrious man, a review of his Instagram account link. https://instagram.com/drdrefitness will leave you marvelled because this write up has not been able to do full justice to his charismatic dream being born.

The world is a global village where all people become one in our hearts and Joshua’s message to the society is that we should all be on a mission to inspire at least one person every day, to exercise and cook a healthy meal.

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