

World Bank Hails EdoBEST Program as Model for Education Transformation in Nigeria

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A World Bank delegation including Martin De Simone, World Bank Education specialist commended the Edo Basic Education Sector Transformation (EdoBEST) Programme. It was noted that this education transformation project by the Edo State government with technical support from NewGlobe, is suitable as a blueprint for a comprehensive transformation of the basic education sector in Nigeria .

The delegation was in NIgeria for the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the EdoBEST project funded by the World Bank. It was a critical evaluation happening at the halfway mark of the project’s implementation. Primary purpose was to gauge progress towards achieving the EdoBEST’s defined objectives and to pinpoint any necessary adjustments or alterations in project design, execution, or management to ensure the project continues to achieve its target outcomes going forward.
This is the second and concluding phase of the MTR for EdoBEST which took place between September 25 to 29, 2023. A series of presentations were made to spotlight diagnostic evaluation, improvement opportunities in the project, and next steps for the successful project implementation.

The focus was on agreeing and determining the subsequent actions needed to enhance project progress, ensuring alignment with project objectives.

This marks an essential juncture in the MTR process, bringing together key stakeholders, including members of the Project Implementation Unit, State Project Steering Committee, representatives from the World Bank, and international experts including NewGlobe led by Dr Akin-Olusoji Akinyele. This diverse group, totaling around 50 individuals, engaged in open discussions and collaborative sessions to identify areas for improvement and chart a strategic course for EdoBEST’s continued successful journey ahead.

During his delivery Dr. Akin-Olusoji noted that EdoBEST holds a special significance for NewGlobe. It is the flagship program in Nigeria, a beacon of hope for quality education across the nation. The impact of EdoBEST has been far-reaching, not only within Edo State but also inspiring other states in Nigeria to embark on similar holistic education interventions. He said “ EdoBEST is a testament to the visionary leadership of the Edo State Government as well as to private public partnership value in the education sector .”

As a significant government partner on this project, New Globe continues to play a pivotal role in this process. A dedicated presentation was delivered to encapsulate key takeaways from the MTR and highlight potential areas for future engagement.

The MTR process is a vital mechanism that enables course corrections and fine-tuning of project strategies, ultimately ensuring that projects funded by the World Bank achieve their intended developmental goals. The collaboration and insights gained during this process are instrumental in guiding the project towards successful completion and making a lasting impact on the communities it serves.

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