

Nigerian Tech Innovator & Financial Technologist Abiodun Sowemimo awarded Choiseul 100 Africa Laureate 2023

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Dr. Sowemimo Abiodun Founder & CEO of CAPITAL METRIQ SWIFT BANK, iNet Telecommunications, InfoMetriQ Data Network, Vapour Paints Plc & Silicon Airways. has recently achieved a remarkable milestone by being included in the CHOISEUL Top 100 Africa Economic Leaders of Tomorrow 2023. This recognition is a testament to his unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence across multiple industries.

Sowemimo’s inclusion in the CHOISEUL Top 100 Africa Economic Leaders of Tomorrow 2023 is part of CHOISEUL’s annual tradition of celebrating Africa’s top 100 leaders, highlighting their vital roles in shaping the continent’s economic landscape.

Dr. Sowemimo is a polymath, excelling in various fields such as computer programming, financial technology, diplomacy, and entrepreneurship. He is also the mastermind behind the global data system of information profiling application, Pagepedia. His journey towards recognition has been paved with numerous awards and honors, highlighting his remarkable contributions to Africa’s economic growth.

In 2019, he received recognition from the Egyptian President and Chairperson of the African Union, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, as the most promising youth in Africa. This acknowledgment was a testament to his dedication to societal good and his entrepreneurial strides.

In September 2022, Dr. Sowemimo was awarded the honorary Young African Leader award in recognition of his advocacy for change, entrepreneurial achievements, and philanthropic gestures. This award was presented by President Emmanuel Macron during the Nouveau Sommet Afrique-France, cementing his position as a leading figure in Africa’s economic landscape.

Dr. Sowemimo’s commitment to sustainable development is evident in his role as the champion for Lagos State Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), appointed by Lagos State Governor Babajide Sanwo-Oolu. He is also the President and Chairperson of the African Chamber of Innovation Internet Governance & Digital Inclusion, further showcasing his dedication to shaping the continent’s future.

As a two-time doctorate degree holder and a fellow of the Nigeria Institute of Management Consultants, Dr. Sowemimo possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience in various fields, including computer programming, information technology management, and online reputation management.

Dr. Sowemimo expressed his profound honor at being selected as a beneficiary of the CHOISEUL 100 Africa. “This recognition doesn’t stand alone; it is a call to action,” Dr. Sowemimo states. He emphasized the collective efforts of visionary leaders in shaping Africa’s economic, societal, and cultural prosperity. This recognition, he stated, serves as a call to action for all leaders to continue driving positive change and embracing innovation. “In unity, we make a generation, and in unity, we shape the future,” he continues.

Dr. Sowemimo’s journey as an entrepreneur and visionary leader has been marked by his commitment to innovation, excellence, and positive change in Africa. His inclusion in the CHOISEUL Top 100 Africa Economic Leaders of Tomorrow 2023 is a well-deserved acknowledgment of his remarkable contributions to the continent’s economic landscape. Dr. Sowemimo notes, “The Choiseul 100 Africa serves as a reminder that our journey is far from over; it is an invitation to continue driving positive change, embracing innovation, and making a lasting difference.” As we unite with leaders like him, we have the opportunity to shape a brighter future for Africa through collective impact and innovation.

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