

Queen Zaynab’s Water Project is making waves: A beacon of hope amid the global water crisis

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Queen Zaynab Otiti Obanor, a United Nations ambassador, philanthropist, and former Nigerian queen, is at the helm of a laudable initiative aimed at addressing the global water crisis. Her endeavour, Water for Wellness, is offering a lifeline to millions of people lacking access to clean drinking water.

“Re-solving the disproportionate availability of water is our most crucial concern,” she said. Her objective is simple yet profound: bridging the gap between water needs and availability, especially in severely affected areas across the globe.

“Everyone has a role to play. We can’t ignore the fact that some of the most water-intensive industries are contributing significantly to the global water scarcity,” Queen Zaynab highlighted, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts across sectors.

Notably, the fashion industry is the second most water-intensive in the world, consuming around 79 billion cubic meters of water per year. Acknowledging this, Water for Wellness has undertaken strategic partnerships within the fashion industry to promote sustainable practices, particularly in cotton production.

“We’re working with governments, investors, and key players in the fashion industry to promote cotton that uses less water and hazardous chemicals. It’s about finding a balance that benefits people, agriculture, and the environment,” Queen Zaynab explained.

Under her leadership, Water for Wellness identifies rural communities facing extreme water problems. A thorough assessment is conducted by professional geologists to determine the viability of underground water sources in these communities. Post-assessment, contracts are awarded to experienced engineering companies to sink boreholes, following which, local community leaders take over management and sanitation.

“Our work doesn’t stop at providing water,” the former Nigerian queen explained, “A significant part of our mission is to fund entrepreneurs and innovators who are developing emerging technologies to tackle the water security crisis.”

The organization is supported through donations and sponsorships from individuals and entities across Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the USA. Accountability and transparency are at the heart of Water for Wellness operations. “All donations are managed directly by our organization and allocated to the assigned village community,” Queen Zaynab confirmed.

The initiative’s progress is evident, with annual reports showcasing tangible improvements in the communities they work with. These reports offer an insight into how donations are being utilized and the positive impact on people’s lives.

In a world grappling with the growing threat of water scarcity, Queen Zaynab’s Water for Wellness is making significant strides towards a sustainable and water-secure future.

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