

Queen Zaynab Otiti Obanor’s Water for Wellness Project: A Lifeline for Developing Nations

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The former Nigerian Queen is leading a groundbreaking initiative to quench the global thirst for potable water. Lauded for her persistent humanitarian efforts, former Nigerian queen, Zaynab Otiti Obanor, has once again garnered international attention with her most recent endeavour, the Water for Wellness Project. This initiative, born out of a social responsibility, seeks to address one of the world’s most urgent challenges: providing access to safe drinking water in developing countries.

Zaynab, whose philanthropic ventures have been celebrated by institutions like the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is now directing her resources towards addressing the imbalance in water availability. Water for Wellness, a non-profit organization, seeks to bridge the divide between water needs and water availability in some of the most critically affected areas globally.

“The availability of clean water is a fundamental human right,” said Queen Zaynab. “But in reality, millions around the globe are deprived of this necessity. Our mission with Water for Wellness is to redress this imbalance by connecting resource-rich entities with these water-deprived communities.”

The organization’s approach involves an exhaustive search for rural communities in dire need of clean water. Expert geologists then investigate the potential for sourcing underground water in these areas. Following the verification of the water source, contracts are awarded to experienced engineering companies to construct boreholes, adapting to various environments from arid semi-deserts to swampy rainforests.

“Every step is thoroughly planned and executed. We engage community leaders who delegate maintenance and sanitation duties to locals,” added Queen Zaynab. “This community involvement ensures the project’s sustainability.”

Moreover, Water for Wellness is dedicated to funding innovators who are developing novel solutions to the water crisis. These include water sensors, rainwater collectors, filtration systems, and advanced irrigation technologies.

Funded through donations from organizations and individuals worldwide, Water for Wellness offers an opportunity for donors to contribute to alleviating poverty and enhancing life quality. With full transparency and accountability, all donations are directly given to the designated village community, and donors are provided with an annual report detailing the use of their contributions.

As Queen Zaynab noted, “We all have a part to play in ensuring the universal access to clean, safe water. This is our chance to help shape a more equitable future.” In a world where such initiatives are increasingly essential, the Water for Wellness project emerges as a beacon of hope and a model for meaningful, impactful change.

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