

Greening Nigeria’s Future: The 5th National Conference and 20th Anniversary Celebration in Abuja

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Abuja, Nigeria, is gearing up for a momentous event on the 21st of October, 2023 – the 5th National Conference and 20th Anniversary Celebration. Themed “Charting the Path for a 2050 National Development Plan: The Landscape Approach,” this gathering promises to be a beacon for advocates of a sustainable, greener future.

At its core, this event is a call to action for a healthier ecosystem. It aims to raise awareness about the profound impact of a greener environment while shining a spotlight on the Landscape Architecture Profession in Nigeria. The conference also seeks to garner support for parliamentary recognition of this profession, foster job opportunities for landscape architects, and integrate their expertise into vital discussions surrounding climate change and environmental challenges.

The conference boasts a stellar lineup of speakers poised to offer invaluable insights. Dr. Kurt Culbertson is a distinguished Fellow of ASLA and a distinguished Fellow of Dumbarton Oaks at Harvard University who will share his expertise. Joining him is Arc. Kona Gray, President Elect of ASLA and a principal at EDSA. These keynote speakers are eminent figures in their fields, expected to illuminate the landscape-oriented approach to development.

Furthermore, the event will feature Dr(Mrs) Aishatu Abubakar-Abdullateef, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, and Tpl. Ekarikpong I. UkPANAH, a director at the Abuja Parks and Recreation Department, as guest speakers. Their diverse backgrounds underscore the multi-dimensional aspects of a greener environment, including its impact on mental health and urban planning.

The pressing need for environmental sustainability and the well-being of ecosystems cannot be overstated. As climate change continues to exert its influence on global affairs, Nigeria’s commitment to sustainable practices becomes paramount. This conference serves as a pivotal platform for championing the Landscape Architecture Profession and emphasizing its pivotal role in forging a more sustainable Nigeria.

Dr. Kurt Culbertson is expected to succinctly capture the essence of the event, stating, “A greener environment is not a mere luxury but an imperative for our collective well-being.” This assertion underscores the urgency of the conference’s mission. Arc. Kona Gray will also reinforce this notion with his keynote address expected to highlight that the landscape approach encompasses more than aesthetics; it embodies functionality and resilience.

As the event approaches, it carries a profound message: our present choices shape the world we inherit in the future. The 5th National Conference and 20th Anniversary Celebration in Abuja are poised to ignite transformative change by spotlighting the importance of a greener environment and the indispensable role played by landscape architects. This conference is the launchpad for a future where sustainability and ecosystem health steer Nigeria’s developmental course.

In summary, this event offers a unique opportunity to glean wisdom from experts, partake in meaningful dialogues about sustainability, and actively participate in plotting a sustainable path for Nigeria. It serves as a reminder that a healthier ecosystem doesn’t just benefit the environment; it profoundly impacts our own well-being and paves the way for a more prosperous future.

In conclusion, as is common in the community of nations today, the aftermath of this conference will usher in concrete discourses that would lead to us developing a national landscape charter as a nation.

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