

Firm moves to revolutionize cash transactions at Nigerian events

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In a bid to address long-standing issues surrounding money spraying at Nigerian weddings and events, SprayMint, a pioneering event-tech company, has emerged on the scene. With a mission to eliminate the problem of lost funds and ensure a hassle-free experience for celebrants, the company has introduced a groundbreaking solution that is quickly gaining traction.

The inspiration for SprayMint came from a viral Twitter thread that highlighted the challenges faced by newly married couples. Enara Chioma, the PR manager of SprayMint, recounted the moment she stumbled upon the thread. “It caught my attention. I thought it was a hilarious scenario but the comments that followed were even funnier and more eye-opening,” she said. The thread shed light on incidents where money sprayed during weddings went missing or was damaged, leading to significant financial losses for the celebrants.

Chioma further explained, “We were all so pissed about how much money didn’t make it back with us. This was the spark that gave birth to SprayMint.” The company set out to find a more convenient and secure way for celebrants to receive and retain funds sprayed at their events.

After a year of development, SprayMint unveiled its first Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The concept is simple yet effective: guests purchase prop replicas that resemble real currency, which they then use for spraying. Ushers are deployed to collect the prop money, while the actual funds are transferred directly to the celebrant’s bank account through electronic means or point-of-sale (POS) transactions. The celebrants no longer need to worry about sorting, counting, theft, or damage to the notes. As Enara Chioma stated, “Your money sits pretty in your account even before you get home.”

To address concerns regarding trust, SprayMint encourages couples or celebrants to assign a trusted family member to the company’s event manager throughout the event. This ensures transparency and accountability, as each person’s account must reconcile at the end of the day.

However, SprayMint’s innovative solution doesn’t stop there. The company has developed an app that allows users to track and monitor each transfer or card payment in real time. The app creates a unique event profile that syncs with POS devices, providing easy access to transaction records on smartphones during the event. Additionally, the app features e-invites for guests to RSVP and incorporates unique guest codes and QR verifications to enhance event security.

While SprayMint aims to provide a seamless experience for celebrants, the company also ensures profitability through its commission structure. Similar to traditional money resellers, SprayMint sells mint bundles to guests who intend to spray the celebrants. However, SprayMint has managed to significantly reduce the high fees associated with purchasing regular naira notes. As Enara Chioma proudly emphasized, “We believe it shouldn’t be so expensive for anyone to be able to shower their friends and family members with wads of notes, and it certainly shouldn’t be restricted to just the rich and affluent.”

The success of SprayMint’s model is evident in the positive feedback and testimonials received from satisfied customers. With over N25 million processed in just the current year, SprayMint has established itself as a trusted and efficient solution for money spraying at events.

As the world rapidly moves toward a cashless society, SprayMint is at the forefront of reinventing the Nigerian culture of money spraying. By embracing technological advancements and catering to the needs of modern society, SprayMint ensures that this cherished tradition will endure. “Even if we’re not ready for the day, it cannot always be night,” said Enara Chioma, quoting a wise woman. SprayMint’s innovative approach, often referred to as “Spraying 2.0,” is poised to shape the future of cashless transactions at events in Nigeria and beyond.

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