

Urgent Calls to Address the Impact of Sudan’s Forgotten Crisis

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Last April, Sudan was thrust into the global spotlight as civil war erupted following the collapse of a delicate power-sharing agreement between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. The conflict, marked by brutal violence and displacement, has tragically faded from international attention since then, leaving the country in devastation.

On April 15, a pivotal high-level conference on Sudan will convene in Paris, hosted by France, Germany, and the European Union. This gathering presents a critical opportunity to reignite international focus on this dire humanitarian situation. It is imperative that global leaders seize this moment to address the unfolding crisis in Sudan.

The toll of the violence has been staggering, with thousands dead and millions displaced, triggering a widespread humanitarian catastrophe that threatens to spread instability across the region. The collapse of Sudan has compounded existing insurgencies in neighboring Sahel countries, creating a zone of instability stretching from the Atlantic to the Red Sea.

Central to this conflict are harrowing attacks against civilians, including indiscriminate killings and ethnically motivated violence in Darfur, coupled with widespread sexual violence against women and girls. The resulting displacement crisis is unprecedented, with 8.5 million people forcibly uprooted within less than a year, nearly half of whom are children.

The humanitarian impact extends beyond Sudan’s borders, as over two million refugees have fled to neighboring Chad, South Sudan, and Egypt to escape the violence. However, these host countries are grappling with their own humanitarian emergencies and are struggling to cope with the influx of displaced populations.

Moreover, there is a looming hunger crisis in the region, with Sudan, South Sudan, and Chad collectively facing acute food insecurity affecting millions. In Sudan alone, nearly 18 million people are at risk of hunger due to skyrocketing food prices and disrupted supply chains, pushing the country toward famine.

Amid this crisis, the most vulnerable victims are four-year-old twins, Amina and Ali, who have been displaced twice and yearn for stability and education. The conflict has disrupted schooling for millions of children, depriving Amina and Ali of their right to learn and grow in a safe environment. Their future hangs in the balance, emblematic of the broader plight facing children in Sudan and the urgent need for sustained international support to mitigate the devastating impact of the conflict.

To address this escalating crisis, urgent action is needed on multiple fronts. Firstly, there must be concerted efforts to secure unimpeded humanitarian access and protect civilians, particularly women and survivors of sexual violence, from further harm.

Despite international resolutions calling for humanitarian access, obstacles persist on the ground, hindering aid delivery to those most in need. It is imperative that all parties allow humanitarian organizations to operate freely and safely to alleviate suffering and save lives.

Secondly, a robustly funded emergency response is essential to meet the massive humanitarian needs in Sudan and neighboring countries. The current humanitarian appeal for Sudan remains critically underfunded, threatening life-saving assistance to millions facing hunger and displacement.

Finally, sustainable political solutions are imperative to halt the violence and pave the way for lasting peace in Sudan and the broader region. The upcoming Paris conference must prioritize diplomatic efforts to end the conflict, avert famine, and restore stability to Sudan and its neighbors.

The international community cannot afford to ignore Sudan’s forgotten crisis any longer. Urgent and coordinated action is needed to address the humanitarian catastrophe and prevent further escalation of suffering in this fragile region. The Paris conference represents a pivotal opportunity to galvanize global support and chart a path toward peace and stability in Sudan.

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